October 18, 2010

Earlier on, I wrote about  what is needed in order to reposition yourself. Repositioning yourself is about changing the way you do things in order to get a better outcome. This can be:

  • financial,- Bad credit
  • social, - you want to lose weight. stop drinking.
  • spiritual-you are back sliding, you want to uplift your spirit
  • Relationship- stuck in a rotten relationship, 
It may even be an addiction or anything that you are so dearly determined to alter. The process of repositioning yourself demands a lot of willingness. Willingness to change is a strength.Willingness to change is courage and courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway. 
I will be going into details of how you can reposition yourself  financially, socially, spiritual and in your relationships and even your business.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, an American basketball legend once said:......"I think that the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice". Whenever change happens, there is bound to be some form of pain. Be it physical or emotional. It is only if you are willing to go through the pain of the process that you start to make in-roads toward changing your situation. You need to be willing to go through the process of rejection, being blamed, being seen as someone abnormal. As long as you are committed  and disciplined.
  • If you are stuck in a dead end job, you must be willing to look for another one. Take action action. Start applying for a new job, start your own business, go back to school to learn new skills, give up free time to dedicate to addressing your issues.
  • If you are stuck in a rotten relationship ( and you have done everything possible to revive it);you must be willing to move on.
  • If you are stuck in a bad financial situation (falling behind all your repayments, credit cards companies knowing your phone number as if its their own), you must be willing to get out of the situation.
  • If you want to learn another language; start attending classes, look for new friends who speak the language
Whatever it takes to start changing. Do it. Willingness is the answer. However,  I want to make it clear to you, willingness is not a one-time- decision or  action (unless you are doing a one off event). Life changes require an determinations to continuously be willing to commit yourself. It is a process, and like any process, it is on going.
I sign off by saying: where the willingness is great; difficulties cannot be great. So start today. Persist and be willing to change. Its all in your control.

Willingness is the key to changing your situation

October 17, 2010

As I said in my previous post, in order to start repositioning yourself, you need to  Commitment. Discipline follows closely. Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability. Its therefore your ability to be disciplined throughout your repositioning process. Discipline will help you so that you do not get distracted. If you lack discipline you are surely bound to fail. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Once you set your goal, do not let anything divert your attention. I am speaking from experience.

 During my early days in business, I found myself getting easily distracted by situations. I remember; way back in 2006; when I had just started my mobile phone business (Phonex Mobile Services). As I was setting up and trying to find my feet; business was picking up slowly. One close friend of mine said to me....."you are wasting your time, there are too many people doing this kind of business in this small town". I began to look around, and surely I started seeing that there were too many people in the mobile phone business. What I had forgotten is that when I started in the business in 2004, there were as many businesses. My friend then put forward an idea that was to make me quick money.  Galaxy Lifestyles Ltd was supposed to make me treble my £1900.00 investment in just  one month. As I write today  (4 years down the line) ; I am still waiting. Had I been committed and disciplined, I could have used the £1900.00 to build my mobile phone business. I learnt the hard way and I don't want you to go through the same issues. Always focus on what is at hand. Unless you win a lottery ( whose chance is 1 in 14 000 000); anyone who tells you that money can be made quick will be lying to you.
Zig Ziglar  taught me that :...." It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and disciple that enabled us to follow through.
Contrary to my belief, discipline is a skill. It can be learnt like any other skill.
I have learnt that in order to succeed with discipline, the following is required:
  • Avoid acting on impulse
  • Continue to work on a project; even if the initial enthusiasm has faded away
  • Overcome laziness and procrastination
  • Meditate regularly
  •  Fulfil promises you make to yourself and others
  • Start reading books, and read a book to the end
  • Learn to have enough sleep
After reading this post, do not do nothing. Start the process of changing your situation. No one else but yourself can make you change. 

Discipline is key to repositioning yourself.

October 16, 2010

In my last posting I talked about repositioning yourself. I stated that there is a need to commit if you want to change.Whilst ideas, dreams and goals  have a valuable place in your life, they are only as good as your commitment to achieve them. The most important single factor to individual success in changing your situation is commitment. To commit is to pledge yourself to a certain purpose or line of conduct; in this case- to Reposition yourself. It also means to practice what you have set yourself to do consistently.Commitment ignites action. Start taking the steps required to turn your ideas into reality. There are two fundamental conditions for commitment:

  1. Having a sound set of beliefs/goals-There is a famous saying -"stand for something or you will fall for anything". If you fail to have a sound set of beliefs, you will end up just falling for anything that comes your way. Whilst you are committed, you also need to be flexible in your approach as Tom Robbins once said- "Stay committed to your decisions, but stay focussed in your approach".  It is of no use to stay committed to a cause that is not sound. By sound I mean the belief needs to be beneficial to the reasons why you want to change. Identify the belief. Many people that I know believe that their financial position is not where they think it needs to be. They then believe that if they improve their financial control, then they may get out of the position they so hate to be. Unless commitments are made, there are only promises and hope; but no plans.
  2. Faithful adherence to those beliefs/ goals- This is faithful persistence with a belief or goal. One thing that I have seen separating achievers and non-achievers in any field of life; is the ability to stick to a set of beliefs or goals. Once you identify your beliefs/goals; stick to them. Do not try to jump from one belief/goal to another before accomplishing the first one. It is only those that stay committed to their goals that manage to achieve them. There is truth in the saying ---"rolling stone gathers no moss".
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour.  You are the author of your own life. It is therefore incumbent upon you to determine what in life you need to change, be it financial, spiritual or social. In the process of repositioning yourself, you will meet challenges. You will meet opposition; especially from those close to you.You will meet people who will discourage you, giving you the belief that you can not make it. 
It is my challenge to you today: Identify what you want to change in your life. Go with me through the process of change. Follow the guidance that I have personally tried and tested and have been proven to work. What is needed is commitment to change and unbound energy to change your life for good.There are only two options regarding commitment. You are either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in between. James Womack once said ..."Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality"

Commitment to changing your situation

October 15, 2010

Are you optimising your potential in life and work? Has life kicked you around to the point that you do not know where to look for help? Life is like a game of chess. It needs strategic thinking, advance thinking, moving one pony at a time in order not to weaken the defense. Have you faced the life's setbacks and feel your energy drained? On this site you will find resources that will help you change your life. I will share information that will uplift you and reposition you, PROVIDED you are prepared to go through the whole process and follow the various tips and guides posted here.

 It is human nature to want more of everything. You want to improve your love life, your financial position, your spiritual position,  your health and well-being, your business and even your social standing. This change  will not  just happen.
You need to do things differently for your current position to change. Repositioning yourself is a process. There are principles, practices and actions of which if you follow them, you will see your life changing for the better.
In  order to reposition yourself you will need the following

  • Commitment
  •  Discipline
  • Willingness
  • Ability to withstand criticism
  • Ability to make yourself accountable to someone whilst undergoing change.
 In my coming series I will be covering these and many topics in detail.
Change will always happen, whether you want it or not. Change will happen, whether positive or negative. The direction of change will depend on choices you will make and on your determination.  

Reposition Yourself

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